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Facebook is taking an even more effective approach to trolling, with fake profiles now facing harsh penalties alongside real profiles. 

Mark Zuckerberg and his team started a major purge years ago to filter out the millions of fake profiles created to troll the site every day. Trolling in the form of comments is particularly popular nowadays, but the deliberately teasing and confusing posts are not always fake profiles, as there are plenty of people doing the same with real profiles.

To avoid this, the Facebook úgy döntött, ugyanúgy trollként fognak tekinteni azokra, akik igazi profilokkal próbálnak gyűlöletet szítani az interneten – írja a The Verge. While up to now, admins have only been able to remove the post that caused the damage, the decision means that people with a real profile can now also be severely punished if they break the rules and start harassing other users online.

facebook trollok
Soon trolling with real profiles will also be punishable by severe penalties (Photo: Game Banana)

Facebook was the first to admit in January that it does not yet have the tools to seriously tackle the "concerted, inauthentic behaviour“. A felhasználók zaklatása mellett a rendszerszintű politikai trollkodás is komoly problémát jelent a vállalat számára, nem ritka, hogy egy választás alkalmával fizetett trollseregek jelennek meg, amelyeknek az a feladata, hogy az adott oldal érdekeit minél agresszívebben képviseljék a közösségi oldalon.

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