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Christmas is almost here and you don't have enough presents under the tree? Then I've got some cheap Xiaomi stuff that anyone will love, so you can't go wrong.

Ha még kellene valami, itt van pár Xiaomi cucc a fa alá!

I'd start with the best one you can buy for anyone, but you need to be well versed in online shopping. And this is Xiaomi gift card.


But if you're looking to pack and look physical Xiaomi, the following products are just the thing for under the tree:

Xiaomi and Redmi earbuds

There are also newer handsets on offer, the Redmi Buds 4 series is a great choice! The Light is for kids, the Active for sports enthusiasts and the Pro for music lovers.


Xiaomi and Redmi smartwatches

A smartwatch is another Jolly joker when it comes to smaller gifts. Although some of them are quite expensive, you can also get a good Redmi watch for a good price.


Xiaomi and Redmi smartwatches

If it's not about the watch, but about the knowledge and you want to use it for movement and sports, a smart bracelet might be a better choice.


Kitchen and bathroom stuff

A szépségápolási, higiéniai és konyha Xiaomi termékekkel betalálhatunk, a „de jó lenne” kategóriába és kellemes meglepetéseket okozhatunk az egész családnak.


Xiaomi and Redmi phone / tablet

Although this is no longer the cheap category, it's worth a look.Here are a few offers, just in the cost-effective category.


This is only a very small part of the total offer, there is more okosotthon, fitness stuff, robot vacuum cleaner, TV okosító/loudspeaker and so many more great gifts. Don't forget to visit the xiaomishop.hu webshop! But remember, Christmas is just around the corner and couriers aren't magicians to deliver everything. Make sure you order your chosen gift in time!

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