For many people, MIUI doesn't throw up the update for some reason that no one in the world can explain. But if we can get past that, let's check for ourselves if there is a newer version of MIUI on the phone.
There are several ways to download the MIUI update, i.e. several different interfaces. You can do this by Xiaomi Community app, the mobile interface and the PC interface. On the download page, you can find the MIUI recovery and fastboot ROM for all globally released phones, OTA updates are only available (officially) for the phone. The main difference between the recovery and fastboot roms is that you can install the recovery rom on the update page in the phone. And the fastboot rom can be installed on a PC via the Mi Flash app, using a cable.
Xiaomi Community APP
- Open the app
- Tap the MIUI icon
- Felül koppints a „ROM Download Portal” alatti gombra
- Choose your phone and the rom to go with it
Desktop site
- Open the website:
- Choose your phone and the rom to go with it
Mobile site
- Tap the 3 lines in the top left corner
- In the sliding menu, select ROM DOWNLOAD
- Choose your phone and the rom to go with it
The desktop site can be used in the same way on PC/Laptop and the address is the same as the mobile site. After selecting your phone, you can select the correct ROM by comparing the letters in the MIUI version row on your phone's Settings -> About phone (my device) page. E.g. RJDEUXM - This is the MIUI version for phones based in Europe, or the EEA region.
Download Recovery ROM
Download Fastboot ROM
Flash guide
Comment: The latest full rom downloads are only released after they have been released in an OTA update. The downloads page is constantly updated, so it's worth checking back if you don't have the new rom yet.