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 „Gondolatolvasó” agyi implantátum segítségével sikerült az izomsorvadással járó amiotrófiás laterálszklerózisban szenvedő férfinak üzennie a Twitteren.  

The 62-year-old Australian man tweeted with just his thoughts: a single letter in a post by Philip O'Keefe, who in 2020 will receive a brain implant called Stentrode, made up of tiny electrodes. The Stentrode technology is designed to allow patients who are unable to move themselves to control digital devices wirelessly, using only their thoughts.

 „Helló, világ! Rövid tweet. Monumentális előrelépés” - wrote, or so thought Philip, whose message was published on the website of Thomas Oxley, the head of Synchron, the company that develops Stentrode.

 "No typing or voice control is required. I created this tweet with my thoughts” – jött az újabb üzenet a mozgásképtelen férfitól.

"When I first heard about this technology, I knew how much freedom it could give me. The system is amazing, it's like learning to ride a bike - it takes practice, but once you're pedalling it just comes naturally." said O'Keefe. "Now all I can think about is where I want to click on my computer so I can finally write emails, bank, shop and send messages to the world via Twitter."

Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX experimenting like this: the brain implant company he founded, Neuralink, published a new video from, which shows a monkey playing pong with its thoughts, and recently the founder announced that they hope to implant the first brain chip in humans as early as 2022.

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