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As expected, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has pushed back the planned date for the next moon landing from 2024 to 2025. 

„Az ügynökség elsődleges feladatának tartja a lehető leggyorsabb és legbiztonságosabb visszatérést a Holdra” – közölte Bill Nelson. A NASA igazgatója a vállalat keddi sajtóeseményén részletesen spoke to on the Artemis programme, which revealed, among other things, that the earliest date for a mission to the moon is 2025.

The original plan was for the United States to put a man back on the Moon by 2024, but as time went on, there were growing signs that the target date was not sustainable. Among other things, legal wrangling has hampered the programme, with Blue Origin founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos challenging NASA's decision back in April after the space agency's Elon Musk SpaceX a space company, to build the Artemis lunar lander. NASA was originally going to work with two companies, but due to funding constraints, SpaceX was the only one to win the contract.

Jeff Bezos went on the offensive again in August, this time filing a lawsuit in federal court against the US space agency's decision. As recently found out unsuccessfully, as the sentencing judge rejected the company's claims.

The last time a man set foot on the Moon was in 1972, as part of the Apollo programme, but this will be the first time a woman and an astronaut of colour have been on a mission.

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