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Boeing could also enter the digital world of metaverse: the troubled aircraft manufacturer is investing $15 billion in digital technologies over the next decade to regain its once glorious reputation in the market. 

Boeing plans to make the digital transition in as little as two years, using interactive robots and Hololens virtual reality goggles to create the airplanes of the future. reported a Reuters. "It is an engineering development", said Boeing chief engineer Greg Hyslop in an interview with the newspaper nearly two years ago. "It's about changing the way we work across the whole company.

In recent years, the US aircraft manufacturer has been the subject of scandals in the press, with two 737 Max planes crashing in tragic circumstances in 2018 and 2019, claiming 346 lives in total. It was subsequently revealed that two Boeing employees had misled the authorities about the flight control capabilities of the 737 Max, contributing to the subsequent tragedies.

The term metaverse a month or two ago has been included into the public consciousness after Facebook (now Meta Platforms) announced it was creating a virtual reality where people could enter using VR devices and work, socialise and play through their avatars. Several big companies have already indicated that they don't want to miss out on the metaverse hype, including Nike, Adidas and Ford, which are all preparing for AR and VR, or augmented and virtual reality-based worlds.

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