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Today, there are an almost infinite number of automatic vacuum cleaners you can choose from the market, but we wanted to give you an idea of what Xiaomi equipment can do, how it differs, what it knows and how effective it is. The following Robotic Vacuum Cleaner overview will help you get oriented and make your purchase.

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Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Cleaner overview

In the 21st century, it is no longer considered a gentleman's trick to have a robot vacuum cleaner in the household. In fact, it is a conscious choice, as it can save an incredible amount of time and energy. We've taken a look at all the robots under the brand based on their qualities, and here are the most important ones:

Cleaning area

In this topic, two methods have been investigated: the first is sweeping and the second is erasure. Of course, all are capable of both, but there are differences in scale. Basically, all of them can be used in both cases, but the differences are different. Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Lite can sweep an area of 120 nm, but there is a device that can handle up to 240 nm, and this is the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro series.

In general, however, Xiaomi robotic vacuum cleaners are designed to sweep areas of between 120 and 240 sqm.

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The level of erasure may also be an important issue. If we look at this, the first model mentioned above can clean up 80-100 nm2, but for the largest area, up to 200 nm, the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra able. The other robots are roughly in the 100-200 nm range, of course it is important to note that the size of the container determines the area it can wipe.

So, if you are faced with a choice and want to choose based on the parameters of your own home, it is worth looking more closely at the types along these lines.

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Cleaning time, one charge

Given that all robotic vacuum cleaners normally rest and charge on their dock before use, and then, when they run out of power, they fall back into place. After recharging, it continues to work, so in real life, how long it can operate on a single charge may not be such a major issue. Of course, it's also not negligible. Indeed, for many in the decision phase, it may even be an important consideration.

Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners have an operating time of between 90 and 180 minutes. The repeatedly mentioned Mop 2 Lite can clean for roughly 90 minutes on a single charge, while almost all the others last between 120 and 180 minutes.

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Threshold height and carpet fibre length

In most households, the biggest problem is keeping carpets clean, because they are only beautiful if they are always tidy. If you look at Xiaomi robots, almost without exception, they can clean carpets with a fibre length of 2 cm, and the same can be said for thresholds, so it's not too much of a challenge for any robot vacuum cleaner to get from one room to another.

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Suction force and its grades

All Xiaomi robotic vacuum cleaners have a very high suction power of 2200 Pa or more. Of the field, perhaps the MI Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro Ultra stands out the most, as this machine is capable of 4000 Pa suction power. Considering that these figures represent very powerful machines, they have no problem removing, for example, dust in carpet fibres and dirt between floor gaps. In fact, some models can even recognise floor type, and more specifically, they have an automatic carpet recognition function, so where it detects carpet, it immediately switches to a higher suction power.

And speaking of higher suction power, the robots can operate in 4 gears. The smallest, quiet mode is best suited for everyday cleaning, allowing you to remove fine dirt. In normal mode, you can also use it for cleaning crumbs and mud, for example. In medium mode, you can use it for cleaning up corn, peas and similar sized dirt, while in turbo, the highest mode, you can use it for deep cleaning and even for cleaning up heavier but small beads such as a bearing ball.

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Navigation mode, intelligence

These robots are able to clean based on several navigation modes. A Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Lite and Mop 2 Pro+ for example, works with a visual dynamic navigation system. That is, the high-precision built-in gyroscope and camera allow for all-round cleaning. A Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro and the Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra also uses a laser, which means a more accurate, faster and even smarter cleaning result.

In fact, this is where there are big differences between robotic vacuum cleaners. It is the differences in knowledge that make one machine more intelligent than the other. Lasers and ever-evolving processors work to create a map of the surface to be cleaned that is as accurate as possible, so that you can program the machine to vacuum where it should and shouldn't vacuum, to define cleaning zones or to set a cleaning sequence.

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All Xiaomi models can be controlled from an app on your phone. Depending on the qualities of your robot, you can set up everything you want it to do, down to the smallest detail. You can keep track of exactly where it is in the cleaning process, how its battery is doing, but also let it know if it accidentally gets stuck somewhere in the home while you're working. It's extremely useful, and when you consider that you can easily start a cleaning job from work and get home to a clean house, it's well worth the investment.

In fact, we haven't exhaustively looked at all robotic vacuum cleaners, but if there were some sort of competition between the machines, it's very likely that in terms of price/value/knowledge the Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro would be the winner. This model has the qualities that make it perfect for cleaning a medium to large home, and it's smart enough to keep your home clean. I hope we've answered your "which one should I buy?" question. If you still have questions, feel free to ask us on our social media platform.

Why Ultra is Ultra?

In addition to being the best robot vacuum cleaner in the family, it has a lot of surprises in store. The suction power is 4,000 Pa, which is brutally high! In addition to LDS laser mapping, a camera on the front helps you detect and avoid any obstacles. The battery is the largest possible, 5,200 mAh, enough to cover a total area of 240 nm.

But if all that wasn't enough, the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra is also available with an optional self-emptying dock! What is this for? It automatically empties the dust container in the robot vacuum cleaner. The two-channel dust collection design and powerful airflow of 16,500 Pa allow the dust container of the robot vacuum cleaner to be emptied instantly. The self-cleaning mechanism prevents clogging with increased efficiency and the robot vacuum cleaner operates continuously, smoothly and efficiently. 4L large capacity disposable dust bag has 10 times the capacity of conventional robot vacuum cleaners, in addition to being very user-friendly and disposable.

Xiaomi Robot Vacuums

There are currently 5 different Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners on the market. Ranging from the affordable Lite version, through the mid-range Pro, to the uncompromising high-end Ultra. The price is perfectly matched to their expertise, which allows us to choose the best one for us, at the end of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner round-up. Let's take a look at which vacuum cleaners are currently available for how much, as we write this article!

Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Lite
2200 Pa suction power
2600 mAh battery
450 / 270 ml containers
Visual navigation
89.990 Ft
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2
2700 Pa suction power
3200 mAh battery
550 / 250 ml containers
Visual navigation
119.990 Ft
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro
3000 Pa suction power
5200 mAh battery
450 / 270 ml containers
Laser navigation
144.990 Ft
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro+
3000 Pa suction power
5200 mAh battery
550 / 250 ml containers
Visual navigation
174.990 Ft
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra
4000 Pa suction force
5200 mAh battery
550 / 250 ml containers
Up to 4 L dust container
Laser + visual navigation
199.990 Ft
Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra self-emptying dock
16500 Pa suction force
4 L tank
2 disposable dust bags
10 sec tank emptying
89.990 Ft


But that's not all!

Not so much for the full portfolio! In addition, there are several brands under the Xiaomi umbrella, which are not included in this article, namely Roborock, Viomi and Roidmi. They are also renowned for their excellent quality and value for money. Most notably the Roborock vacuum cleaners, which have become a major player in the robotic vacuum cleaner market. In fact, the whole family started from them! But we will write about them in another article! The Robotic Vacuum Cleaner round-up continues!

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