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In honour of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday, TikTok, known for its short video content, has launched a new portal to provide users with a reliable source of information about one of the darkest periods in 20th century history. 

As last year, the platform owned by ByteDance will host an educational site that will provide historically accurate information about the Holocaust, the systematic, state-planned and controlled persecution of the Jewish people. If a user searches for terms related to the Holocaust on the TikTokon, a banner appears on his person, which is a symbol of the World Jewish Congress and the UNESCO aboutholocaust.org-where, in addition to historical facts, you will also find memories of Holocaust survivors. A banner linking to the site also appears at the bottom of videos about the Holocaust.

An Israeli study published last year according to In 2021, the amount of anti-Semitic images and texts on TikTok multiplied many times over. Anti-Semitic content included genocide denigration, Nazi arm-twisting and final solution (Endlösung) videos containing the phrases were also circulated on social media.

Since 2005, 27 January has been observed as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest extermination camp of World War II. The Nazi regime persecuted or attempted to exterminate other groups in addition to Jews, including Gypsies, Russians (mainly prisoners of war), Poles, the disabled, homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses.

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