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I'm sure many of you know this cute character. For years, he was a dominant tale on the CN fairy tale channel, and was the subject of many Thomas the steam engine games, puzzles, but mostly storybooks, have been made of the adventures of the little train. But few of you know who actually created the world-famous toy. An Englishman, Wilbert Awdrey készítette el a játékot, a 20. század közepén. Kezdetben egy mosolygó emberi arcú, vicces vonat képe jelent meg egy gyermekkönyvben, amely több vonat kalandjairól – mint személyiséggel rendelkező járművekről – mesélt. How does this come to Xiaomi news? Find out below.

Thomas és Wilbert AwdryThomas, the steam locomotive background

Wilbert admitted that the character of the locomotive was conceived in him as a child. As a boy, he heard the trains pass his house every night and imagined the trains would have their own faces and personalities (I think many of us have imagined similar things).Thomas és barátaiThe faces of Thomas and his friends were modelled on British children. The cartoons were based on Wilbert Audrey's book, and later Thomas smiled back on postage stamps. Soon the story of Thomas was told all over the world (let's hope it won't be made into a live-action film like so many other toys)Xiaomi Thomas, a gőzmozdony Thomas' popularity has not waned today. In Japan, they even make lollipops with the portraits of Audrey's fairytale characters.ThomasAnd now the link between Xiaomi and Thomas the steam engine.

The Chinese manufacturer couldn't resist getting on board the Thomas train (haha) and decided to make its own game. Thomas the Steam Train toy consists of a locomotive and a coal wagon.Thomas, a gőzmozdony játék méretekA konstrukciónak köszönhetően a gyerkőc nyugodtan viheti homokozóba, a homokszemek nem ragadnak be a kerékbe, a kéményből pedig alul kifolyik. A hátsó részen elhelyeztek egy vízkereket is, így a kádban, vagy a strandon is használható az “extra” funkció. Thomas, a gőzmozdony a XiaomitólABS plastic, polypropylene and thermoplastic polymer were used to make the toy.Xiaomi Thomas, a gőzmozdony játékDelight your little Thomas with the steam engine toy, designed for children under 3 years old. A perennial classic around the world for over 70 years.thomas, a gőzmozdony játékPrice and link coming soon.

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