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The Mi Band series is eternal in the Xiaomi ecosystem, loved by many and has evolved tremendously over the years. Reminder: the Mi Band 1 didn't have a display yet. The latest Mi Band 6 has reached 1 million units globally.

The very first Mi Band played a key role in the rise of Xiaomi. It didn't do much, but thanks to its low price of just 4,000 forints, more than 10 million units have been sold. It was 2014, a huge number, as not many people, including perhaps myself, were that familiar with the Xiaomi name. Since then, the Mi Band has gained a lot of features, but the price has also increased 3-fold, for some reason.

Xiaomi is celebrating with a very interesting promotion. They're sending Chinese tech journalists a retrospective bundle that includes all models from Mi Band 1 to Mi Band 6. This bundle is unfortunately not available for purchase for the average people.

The progress is astonishing, if you look at it, as I alluded to at the beginning of my article. The Mi Band 1 had only 3 LED lights, the Mi Band 6 now has a 1.56 inch OLED display.

Our article on the Mi Band 6 you can read here. There will also be a test, of course.

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