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In total, more than a thousand people downloaded two Android apps that contained the Joker malware. 

Although Google is doing its best to reduce the number of malicious apps that appear in the App Store, infected programs can still slip through the protection system. A new variant of malware called Joker, which, once installed on the infected app, registers the user for subscription services, without the knowledge of the data subjects.

A "Smart TV remote" and "Halloween Coloring" apps have managed to trick the Play Store's protection system, with around a thousand downloads of infected apps - reported a BleedingComputer. Users who have installed one of the apps should check their mobile and credit card accounts after the immediate deletion to see if they are subscribed to any suspicious active subscriptions. Although the apps have since been removed by Google, they may still be present on many devices.

These are the two fake applications:

Avast has recently 151 for hazardous use in the Play store, which the scammers tried to get to as many people as possible in a campaign designed for this purpose. In total, the malicious apps were downloaded more than 10 million times, with photo editors, QR code scanners and games among the fake apps, which at first glance appeared to be perfectly legitimate.

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