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More We wrote in early 2018that Coolpad has launched a war of patent lawsuits against Xiaomi. Coolpad's plan at the time was to stop selling Xiaomi products that infringed the company's patent claims.

In a Weibo announcement today, Coolpad announced that it has dropped all patent lawsuits against Xiaomi and formally withdrawn all claims. The announcement explained:

"We deeply feel that the country's development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities, and that the domestic and international environment is undergoing profound and complex changes. Breaking through technological bottlenecks and helping the industry develop better and faster are the top priorities of Industrial Coolpad and Xiaomi."

Coolpad also added that "will pursue various technical exchanges and collaborations with excellent companies within and outside the industry". It would also respect technological innovation and intellectual property rights, following the principle of technological autonomy and independence.

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