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Today, Xiaomi finally announced that it will unveil the Xiaomi 14 Series alongside the Xiaomi SU7 car on day zero at MWC 2024. The story is already interesting here, because from the series we can guess that there will be a regular 14, 14 Pro and 14 Ultra, or something else. But no.

Úgy néz ki, hogy a Xiaomi 14 Pro nem jön február 25-én

2024. február 25-én kerül bemutatásra a Xaiomi 14 sorozat, Barcelonában, az MWC nulladik napján. A plakát nagyon beszédes, de több értelmű. Pontosan mire gondolt a szerző, az majd a bemutatón kiderül. A “Lens to legend” szlogent több féle képpen fordíthatjuk, mint

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and I could go on. You can come up with some more ideas. But judging by the rest of the content, I'm sure they'll come up with something new, which is mostly Ultra privilégiuma. Meg hát a kerek lencse, a nagy recés lencseszél és persze az arany káva. Biztos, hogy az Ultra lesz ez.

Na, de mit takar a “series” szó?

Well, one more phone, the Xiaomi 14. And that's it. If we can believe the rumours that the Xiaomi 14 Pro phone won't make it to Europe. Several blogs have found evidence of this in Mi code, website code and model codes. Unfortunately, the Pro version is missing from everywhere, so it's more than likely that it won't be released on the 25th alongside the plain Xiaomi 14 and Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

Either my passion for the brand or common sense dictates that it won't. I hope that they do not, because then they will face a predictably big headwind. The one big advantage of the Xiaomi 14 Pro is that you can change the main camera aperture by 1024 degrees. This has never been done before in Xiaomi's history and it's a pretty important cornerstone. It also has a larger screen, but a narrower bezel and a larger battery capacity than the regular Xiaomi 14.

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