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One of the world's largest developers and manufacturers of smart devices aims to make everyday life easier and more useful for children who are deprived of their birth families by providing useful and innovative devices. For 300 children, Christmas will be more joyful and fun-filled in 2022 thanks to Xiaomi Hungary's donation of smart TVs, projectors, smart vacuum cleaners and smart air purifiers to SOS Children's Villages.

In today's digital age, smart devices play a key role in the education of children and young people, helping them to stay connected, providing a primary tool for entertainment and education, and even helping to create a clean, safe environment - whether it's a cosy family home or a child and family support centre.

This spirit has led Xiaomi, which boasts the world's largest commercial AIoT platform and, as one of the world's leading electronics manufacturers, has decided to donate smart devices worth a total of around HUF 2 million to SOS Children's Villages, including air purifiers, robot vacuum cleaners, projectors and smart TVs.

"We have 110 foster parents in 46 cities who care for children who could not or would not be properly cared for by their birth families. The number of children, the number of unique stories we encounter, the number of unique needs and demands we face. In addition to foster carers, many of our colleagues work alongside our families, for them, in their immediate environment. They help them mentally, professionally. Perhaps the greatest help at this time is the air purifiers that we offer, because for our colleagues it is essential to have personal contact with the families, which they do with the greatest caution, when the rules allow, but which is unavoidable. The same is true for colleagues who have to work with a constant presence in, for example, a temporary crisis home. It is for them that we are very happy to have the air purifier on offer, as they are the ones who are safer. And the young people in the homes will surely enjoy the smart TV and the vacuum cleaner, although we would be happier if the latter activity was not replaced by this device in 100%, because our task is to prepare the young people leaving the home for independent life", said smiling Ágnes Romet-Balla, Director of Fundraising and Communication at SOS Children's Villages.

"At Xiaomi, we believe it is very important to support local communities, and this is a priority for us not only during the festive season, but all year round. We believe that there is no difference between children and children, they all have their favourite fairy tale, TV show, movie or TV series. We are happy to surprise the residents and staff of SOS Children's Villages with our donation. We are confident that our innovative products will help them to have an even better time during the joint programmes," said Tibor Wagner, Country Manager of Xiaomi Hungary, when handing over the devices.

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