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Both Facebook and YouTube have decided to delete the video of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro discussing the link between the coronavirus vaccine and AIDS - from from Reuters. 

According to Facebook, the Brazilian head of state's video is in direct violation of the platform's policy, which prohibits the publication of posts that claim that coronavirus vaccines cause dangerous or chronic illness. In one of his videos, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro claimed that the coronavirus vaccine could lead to AIDS.

The YouTube has taken a tougher line than Facebook with the Brazilian head of state: in addition to removing the problematic video, Bolsonaro's official channel has been suspended for a further seven days as punishment. The Alphabet (commonly known as Google) owned company had already indicated in the spring of 2020, at the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, that it would introduce serious rules on videos about Covid, and in September this year it extended the rules to other anti-vaccine content. This means that users are banned from posting content on their channels that says any vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) causes a dangerous or chronic disease.

It's not the first time the Brazilian president has had a problem with the video-sharing site. In a video in July, Bolsonaro urged people to protect themselves against coronavirus disease by using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which were heavily promoted by former US President Donald Trump. YouTube later removed the video from its channel.

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