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Today's ZEPP app was once the Amazfit app that we used to control and manage our Huami wearables. Huami manufactures the Amazfit watches and bracelets, as well as BT headphones and other sports equipment.

The ZEPP app was previously only available in English, not in Hungarian. Although this has been significantly improved, as almost 100% of the app contains Hungarian. Almost...

There's still a lot of work to be done, but the road is going in the right direction. Let's hope a Hungarian does the translation, not our Chinese friends with Google Translate. Feel free to update me, because there are a few more languages added besides Hungarian.

  • Updated the home page with a brand new visual style, allowing users to edit the data pages as they like
  • Adding the health page for a better health experience
  • Fixed known bugs
  • Caller display on a Hungarian-language phone

The bottom line is the last one, we finally don't have to fiddle around and use another app to finally know who's calling us. We can leave our phone in English, it will still display the name of the caller we have saved in the Contacts list. You can update from the Play Store!

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