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At the launch of Xiaomi 14 we saw and heard a lot of new things. Of course, HyperOS took the lead, but not only in software, we also got some world firsts in hardware. It was the now controversial UltraSpace storage expansion.

Xiaomi 14 - Mi az UltraSpace tárhelybővítés?

The HyperOS and Xiaomi 14, the newest feature, UltraSpace, has debuted. This feature is an extension and enhancement of an existing feature. This is the Memory extension. Many of us are already familiar with it, many are against it, with some truth behind it. I will explain this later. The Xiaomi 14 and Pro with 512 GB of storage has 16 GB of extra storage, and the Xiaomi 14 Pro with 256 GB has +8 GB.

HyperOS UltraSpace

Zhang Guoquan, Director of Xiaomi's mobile phone system software division, said. explained this feature: the "UltraSpace Storage Upgrade" feature poses no lifetime risk to the UFS at all, and older models do not support upgrades.

Full statement by Zhang Guoquan:

"After reading everyone's feedback on the storage expansion feature mentioned in the Xiaomi Mi 14 press conference, I feel it is still necessary to explain the ins and outs of this feature. It is a very long text. For non-technical people, it is enough to read only the first question/answer.

Why do we need this feature?

I am ashamed to admit that in recent years MIUI has been criticised for being "bloated". We've corrected it vigorously over the last two years, from last year's Shave Plan to this year's hosting expansion, it's been the same. We must say goodbye to bloat.

Razor Project 1.0 is designed to ensure that other system applications can be uninstalled, except for a few basic functions. Razor Project 2.0 aims to provide the smallest possible system firmware and storage expansion to allow users to make the most of the space available.

The extremely simplified Xiaomi HyperOS is not only extremely fast and lightweight, but also saves a lot of space. With 8GB of hardware expansion, you get up to nearly 20GB of extra storage compared to other flagships. In addition, file deduplication and dynamic compression features in the operating system improve storage efficiency, making it not only bigger but also more "durable". Collectively, it can store more than 30G and up to 40G of data after prolonged use.

What is the technical principle? Are there risks to the lifetime of the UFS?

Absolutely not, everyone should feel free to use it, trust the professionalism of Xiaomi and the chip manufacturers and don't be fooled.

We briefly describe the wrong block exchange treatment. Since storage devices can usually only replace bad blocks with units with reserved space after finding them, if there is not enough space left, the memory chip will be completely unusable. In addition to allocating enough space based on user habits, cache management is also optimized to reduce erasures and bad block generation. We also support cloud-based control, which adjusts the bad block reserve space to user conditions after long-term usage, ensuring the stability of the System. Under the current model for large users, under the condition of 40 GB of data writing per day, the 256 GB expansion card can be guaranteed for more than 10 years and the 512 GB for more than 20 years.

To ensure the best storage experience, you need deep collaboration between the host file system and UFS. This was also reflected in the previous FBO update storage feature. With the same concept, Xiaomi has also deeply intervened in UFS resource management, based on the file management on the host machine side. It realizes that "data is not written unless needed (UFS)" via software, and "data to be written is not migrated unless needed" via software + firmware, which not only reduces the amount of writing, but also achieves better copy compensation and WAF.

Can older models be upgraded to support it?

This requires the cooperation of mobile phone manufacturers and supply chain manufacturers, and calibration must be done during mobile phone manufacturing, so older models are not supported.

Same with Xiaomi 14, why are some versions not supported?

To ensure supply chain security, we have purchased a number of memory chips. Although Xiaomi has shared all the technology with suppliers, some manufacturers have not yet had time to adapt. In fact, there were objections a few days before the launch. Finally, Mr. Lei made the final decision: OK, let's not waste the technology. Let's just explain it clearly to everyone. If you have 8/16 GB more, just enjoy the happiness that technology brings. It's normal not to have all of them. I hope everyone understands.

Led by Xiaomi, mainstream memory chip manufacturers in China and abroad will gradually adapt.

Can other manufacturers use this technology?

Xiaomi has contributed to the UFS Association with the standard. In order to respect the originality of the chip manufacturers, a time protection period is requested, and all major mobile phone manufacturers will have to adapt to this feature in the near future. Since its inception, Xiaomi has always hoped to work with all manufacturers to promote the development of the industry, there is no need to explain this, everyone should see it."

UltraSpace Over Provision

Xiaomi CEO the previous introduction stated that the nominal storage size of 256 GB is more than 275 GB. 93.1% of the space is actually used by users, with the remaining 6.9% being called Over Provision, or OP, which is the space occupied by the internal management of memory. This part of the storage space cannot be used when using the mobile phone.

Xiaomi has worked closely with memory manufacturers. Firstly, Xiaomi has changed its space management strategy and reduced the area occupied by the OP space from 6.9% to about 3%. This process requires a deep understanding of the working principle of memory to ensure that the compression of the OP area does not affect memory performance and lifetime. After much testing and optimization, Xiaomi has found the ideal balance point.

Xiaomi then added a new logical address mapping domain to the HyperOS file system, allowing this part of the "new space" to be managed. In the process, Xiaomi had to carefully customize the file system to properly and efficiently handle this new domain. After countless experiments and tuning, Xiaomi engineers finally achieved this goal.

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