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We already know everything about the Xiaomi SU7 car except its price, how much it will cost in China and/or internationally. There will certainly be a huge difference, but we won't be surprised by the difference knowing European pricing.

Március 28-án jelentik be a Xiaomi SU7 autó árát és elérhetőségét

The Xiaomi SU7 family, as there will be both a regular and a MAX version, was released in China in the last days of 2023. Almost everything has been said about the car, it has brought a lot of new features, both in automotive technology and in manufacturing technology. So far, we've only been able to see the MAX version, which could be worrying for the competition. It will have a huge range, speed, acceleration, self-driving capability and so on, all of which will beat the marvels of the brands already on the market. The Xiaomi SU7 MAX won't be cheap, as it's classified as a top-of-the-range car, but there's no mention of the regular SU7.

Lei Jun announced on his Weibo page that the speculation will end on 28 March 2024. They finally reveal the price and availability of the models, in which markets and at what price Xiaomi's first electric car will be available.

Lei Jun's message:

Since the official announcement of the car industry on 30 March 2021, I have kept firmly in mind the three-year promise of a "first half of 2024 launch".

On 28 March, Xiaomi Motors will officially make the announcement.

Recently, many friends have asked, the current industry competition is very fierce, does Xiaomi Motors have confidence in opening up the market? Of course we are confident because we are Xiaomi Motors and we are fully prepared.

Xiaomi's car has gone from 0 to 1 this year, just like Xiaomi's mobile phone 14 years ago. Xiaomi's growth stage and user expectations are very different. Xiaomi Auto needs to create something different, the most important of which is smart technology. I also believe that this is what everyone expects from Xiaomi and the new energy vehicles.

The century-old journey has only just begun, on the road of Chinese cars, and there are even more exciting stories to tell.

Let's go forward, the sea and the sky ahead, see you on 28 March!

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