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Mi Mover, or b̶o̶r̶z̶a̶l̶m̶a̶s in Hungarian "Mi Moving" is Xiaomi's moving app. When you switch to a new phone, or a phone that is new to you, you try to move as many things as possible from your previous device so that you essentially receive the same thing as before. So far, Xiaomi's app has only allowed you to move between two Xiaomi phones.

Xiaomi released the app on a better-later-than-never basis Play Store version, so it is now available for non-MIUI devices. What's important is that a non MIUI device can only be a sender, obviously Xiaomi doesn't make it easy to switch from its devices.

The app is extremely simple to use, once you have all the necessary permissions, you just need to select what you want to move to your new device, which the app does wirelessly.

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