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In the last weeks and months there has been a lot of hype around the stable MIUI9 and we forgot that Xiaomi wrote about the release of Oreo not so long ago. Now that they've said goodbye to 10 phones, they have enough time to integrate the new Android base. Oreo -> Xiaomi Mi6!

Recruitment for closed beta testing has started in the Chinese MIUI community. Although internal tests have been running for a month now in Xiaomi's secret underground bunker, it was now thought it was time to get the fans involved. The closed beta tests will really highlight the flaws of the new system. It's in everyday use that the shortcomings, or the flaws in certain applications and components, will really come to light. The internal tests will get to the point where the system is installed and running stably, maybe even perfect the modem so that it can at least be used as a phone, and then it will go out to the selected ones.

Xiaomi Mi6 Oreo

After the acceptance of the applicants, there is an internal test period of about one month and only then can the good people go out. This is expected in January, when the status will change from closed beta to public beta. Available at Android 8.0 Oreo based stable MIUI9 is expected 3 months after that, Mi7 and many other tools after the release.

Android Oreo offers several new features, such as

  • picture in the picture,
  • display the Bluetooth battery charge level,
  • is auto-complete,
  • the notification points,
  • instant applications,

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