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The US space agency has once again postponed the launch of the James Webb space telescope, this time due to a communications failure. 

NASA has postponed the launch of the James Webb space telescope by at least two days, with the latest date set for 24 December, when NASA plans to launch the world's most advanced and expensive space telescope. The launch was scheduled for 22 December, but the space agency said in a statement according to A communication failure has occurred between the James Webb space telescope and the Ariane 5 launcher carrying it.

According to USThe spacecraft, developed by the European and Canadian space agencies and named after James Webb, the second director of NASA, will be launched from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana. Its main scientific mission is to use infrared light to study previously inaccessible distant celestial bodies, including the cosmos, planets and moons in the Solar System, and the oldest and most distant galaxies.

Google also recently came up with an interesting AR feature to celebrate the launch of a special space device. To access this fun feature, all you have to do is search for the space telescope on your mobile device (type in James Webb space telescope or James Webb space telescope) and then click on Mview in 3D, and later the View in space and rotate around the ground with your phone's camera until you see the space device you want.

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