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One of the biggest challenges facing the smartphone industry today is the battery issue. Manufacturers are desperately trying to keep up with ever more powerful and power-hungry hardware and displays. But even a few years ago, they were still packing their devices with batteries of unimaginable capacity, sometimes 6000 mAh, and still not enough battery life. Virtually no smartphone today can last 24 hours on a single charge under normal, average use, and in fact it's common to have to make do with significantly less than that, on average 6-12 hours.

For this reason, good utilisation of the plant, i.e. energy-efficient operation of the appliances, is therefore key. This is a major challenge for manufacturers, as much can be achieved through proper optimisation. But there are also opportunities for users to extend uptime. These are the ones we are looking at.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that the battery gets tired over time. The batteries in use today can usually be charged to maximum from zero 800-1000 times without any noticeable reduction in capacity. After that, the user will find that the device dives much faster. Of course, this does not mean that the product should automatically be thrown away, as it costs around 10-20 000 HUF to replace the battery. In such cases, it is worth contacting a specialist service provider to have the work done, as the battery in today's smartphones is not very easy to replace in-house. Among other things, this is one of the reasons why it is worth choosing a "big brand", since Xiaomi devices, for example, are sold by many companies, as many of them have such products in the country. On the other hand, for other, less well-known, less common brands, the supply of spare parts, for example, can be a major problem.


Many people don't know this, but Bluetooth technology is a power hog, and when this feature is turned on, the adapter is active and consuming unnecessary power. So if you don't use this wireless data transmission method, you'd better turn off the Bluetooth option.


The same applies as for Bluetooth. That is, if it is on, it will generate extra power in the background. So if you don't need it, you should turn it off. Also note that some applications tend to turn on automatically, so it may be "live" even if not activated by the user.


Using this has a very bad effect on the battery charge level. So if you have WiFi nearby, it's worth switching to it for that reason alone. Alternatively, if you don't need it, you're not surfing the net, you don't need the data traffic, then switch it off immediately!


Mobile phones can also be affected by malware, especially if you get your apps from an untrusted app store. They can radically increase consumption because they operate in the background without our knowledge. If you suspect this, it is worth running a virus scan, which does not cost extra, as free solutions are already available.

Unused apps

Unfortunately, it can easily happen that applications previously installed but not used by the user are also running in the background, consuming the reserves. So it's clearly in the cards that these are draining power ahead of time. So it's worth deleting applications that are no longer needed, because they may be causing lower than usual uptime.

Dark mode

Switching to the so-called dark mode can significantly increase the operating time, especially on OLED models with individual pixel control. If black is the primary colour instead of white, the pixels there do not consume (as much) power.

Final solution

If you've been through it all and your phone is still draining unrealistically fast, there's still one last solution. And that's a factory reset. This will erase all data, photos, contacts, apps, etc. from your phone, but it may also remove the anomaly that caused it to run out so quickly.

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