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You can also see the vehicle on Google Maps, which has been parked in the same place for no less than 47 years. 

Angelo Fregolent, now 94, ran a newsstand with his wife in the town of Conegliano and stored the newspapers for sale in a Lancia Fulvia. Fregolent parked the vehicle permanently in 1972 and never touched it after he and his wife retired. As the Italian authorities were not particularly concerned about the abandoned vehicle, the grey Fulvia has remained 'unmoved' in Conegliano until recently.

The motionless vehicle has of course captured the imagination of many, growing into a real tourist attraction over the years, and although many people have visited it in person, most have visited the On Google Map to visit the veteran vehicle.

But the story doesn't end there: businessman Giovanni Berton, president of the Serenissima Historic Car Club in Conegliano, took pity on the car, which had been towed away by the authorities, and decided to breathe new life into the veteran vehicle and put it on display in the garden of a local school - announced from Insider. "The Fulvia story has travelled the world, and we cannot ignore that" - said the entrepreneur. The best part is that Fregolent can see his former car (along with the tourists who take photos with it) at any time, as the school where the car is on display is located opposite the former owner's house. "I could not have imagined a brighter future for our Fulvia" - said the 94-year-old owner of the vehicle.

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