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We may have finished presenting all the features of the Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner family. After unboxing, hands-on, maintenance we have tested its mopping feature. Well, but how? We have thrown, spilt everything that you can find in a household on the floor! :) Ketchup, mustard, jam, milk, margarine, liver paste and sunflower oil. In an average kitchen any of these things can land on the floor and somebody must clean them. I wonder if Xiaomi mop and vacuum cleaner can do it. Yes, it can. But, how? As long as the mop reaches the dust, the first wheel, the broom and shovel touch the floor and of course, the dust so they remove all the dirt.

It leaves nothing behind if we use it with a good quality mopping liquid which disinfects and has a pleasant odour. As far as possible we should only leave small things to the vacuum cleaner and bigger dust particles should be removed by a device specialised especially for this action as for example the Xiaomi Deerma water spray mop (we will show you that in details in our next video).

Have fun!

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