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Snapchat is expanding its augmented reality features, so users will soon be able to try on selected items virtually. 

The Snapchat backed Snap already offered augmented reality (AR) features, including an app called Lens Web Builder that lets users create their own filters. At the company's annual Creator Summit event, it unveiled more AR-based developments, including an app that lets users try on the clothes they're looking at.

According to the company, the Dress Up development will allow retailers and brands to offer a personalised online shopping experience by allowing customers to try on selected items themselves. Snap's first global partner is Puma, which will allow customers to try on shoes virtually by integrating the Snap Camera Kit - from a The Verge. Shoppers simply need to point the phone's camera towards their feet to get an AR view of how the shoe fits.

Snapchat kiterjesztett valóság
Avoid the tiresome dress rehearsal (Photo: Snap)

The Santa Monica-based company has also announced a mini selfie drone called Pixy, which takes pictures of the user in flight. The yellow flying camera will be available in the United States and France for $229.99, equivalent to about 80,000 forints.

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