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The Mi 9 rumours are already timely, but official information is also slowly leaking out of China. All we know for sure is that the company will come out with a new in-display fingerprint reader that can scan your finger in more than just a few inches square.

Reméljük ez csak egy prototípus és nem az Mi 9, mert ekkora szenzor szigettel már elmaradnak a 2019-es divattól. A minimalista szenzor sziget – vagy most már inkább csak vízcseppnek hívjuk – sem új keletű, ha minden igaz már 2017-ben ilyen volt az Essential telefonnak.

Az Mi 9 kapott egy újabb álomba illő képsorozatot, amin az eddigi pletykák szerint valószínűsíthető kinézet köszön vissza. Bár a képeken kissé “eltúlozták” a képernyőt övező kávát, mintha valódi gyári képeket látnák…

I'm not even going to mention the triple rear camera, I mean the layout, because anyone who's a bit into mobile knows exactly what I mean. After all the rumours about a 48MP+12MP+2MP trio, the Mi 9 finally gets Sony's real 48MP sensor.

Now for some less rumoured news about the Mi 9 and its companion, the Mi 9 SE. Today, on 17 January, two new Xiaomi phones appeared in the Chinese telecoms authority's database, and the leaked information suggests that they are two new high-end phones. The new phones have all the bandwidth, so they must be Mi phones that will be shipped to every country in the world.

The names can be deduced from the code numbers of the predecessor, the Mi 8 and Mi 8 SE, where the two versions are also separated by similar numbering. The Mi 9 will be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855, which shouldn't be any barrier to a global release. The images above are probably rendered images of the Mi 9, the Mi 9 SE will likely come with a smaller screen, processor, weaker battery, but this is all conjecture. We'll be back as soon as we know more about the new devices!

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