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There are tools that many people consider unnecessary and ridiculous until the moment they are tried. The smart scale is one of these products. But these devices are already available at a very low price and can be incredibly useful.

Xiaomi is one of the pioneers in this field, as the supercompany was one of the first to recognise the category the potential of. In other words, it came up with these tools very early on and has been a constant focus for improvements over the years. Now, we use the company's product to show what a smart scale can do and why it can be useful.

Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2

The Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2 has a wealth of integrated sensors designed to map the user's body as well as possible. So, in effect, they gather information about your physiological data. This information can be processed by the built-in processor using various algorithms and displayed on the built-in, large LCD display.

xiaomi okosmérleg

But that's not all, it can also send data and values wirelessly to an app on a compatible mobile device via Bluetooth 5.0 connection. And this software can store and retrieve them, as well as turn them into visual graphs, compilations, extracts and specific analyses. Of course, the tool allows the creation of multiple user profiles and stores the results of measurements in separate virtual accounts.

Not just weight

The main function is, of course, to measure body weight, and the Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2 is highly accurate in this area, with a minimal margin of error and can even be used to measure food.

xiaomi okosmérleg

Emellett a már említett érzékelők a következő adatokat képesek meghatározni: BMI, zsírszövet, izomtömeg, testvízszint, izomszövet fehérjetartalma, viszerális zsír index, alapanyagcsere-ráta, csonttömeg, csont súly, ideális testsúly mutató, sziluett mutató.  Ráadásul aki szeretne, az kaphat a masinától egy komplex egészségügyi értékelést is. Tehát látszik, hogy egy test állapotát nem csupán a tömeg határozza meg, hiszen számos tényezőt figyelembe kell venni. Ehhez eddig korábban profi szakértők segítségét kellett igénybe venni, de ezek a vizsgálatok egy-egy okosmérleg segítségével már “házilag” otthon is elvégezhetőek

xiaomi okosmérleg

There are already smart scales that include interesting extras: the Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale 2, for example, with its sexy, stylish look, offers a body weight test. Users have to stand on one foot and find the most perfect balance position. This improves body coordination, which reduces the risk of injury.


We ourselves have been using Xiaomi smart scales for a long time and we have to say that such a device is a great help for a healthier life from the very first moment. It's great to see direct feedback on our physical condition. The measurements help us to get ourselves to exercise or to make some changes to our diet, in other words, to live a healthier life.

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