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Keeping your cat or dog at home is a big responsibility. But if you've agreed to make them part of the family, they need the same care as everyone else in the family. But it comes with just as much hassle, maybe even a little more, and Xiaomi has a great solution for that. You'll need these!

Our pets' needs must be met, fed and watered, because you can't always do it yourself. Keeping our environment clean and living together in a healthy way is no easy task. Xiaomi has some very good solutions!

Xiaomi Smart Pet Food Feeder

Xiaomi smart home now for your pets! Paired with the Xiaomi Home app, the smart feeder lets you control the amount of food you feed, schedule feeding cycles, remind you when you're out of food. Feed your pet the right amount of food at all times, remotely, or control their diet. Get a camera to remotely see when the bowl is empty or when timed feedings are not necessary.

Xiaomi Smart Pet Drinking Fountain

Paired with the Xiaomi Home app, the smart water fountain reminds you when to refill the water, when to clean and when to change the filter. Your pet will always have fresh water, so you don't have to worry when you're away from it.

Xiaomi robotic vacuum cleaner

Your cat or dog will and won't make a mess. They will spill their bowl, pull or drop anything on the floor, but they will do it with a roar. We can clean it up ourselves if we are there, but we don't always have the chance. That's where a robot vacuum cleaner comes in, which vacuums up all the dirt for us and even cleans the floor! That's one problem you can take care of!

Cordless vacuum cleaners

Now that the floor has been cleaned by the robot vacuum cleaner, it's time for the furniture! If your pet lives in the apartment with you. But you don't even need a pet to get a very useful cordless vacuum cleaner. And if you do, every owner knows exactly how much hair our pets shed. Now a good Xiaomi vacuum cleaner with an active brush head can easily clean that up!

Security cameras

Always a mess at home and you don't know whether it's the cat or the dog? Do they blame each other? Tidy up your home, watch the rascals from anywhere on your phone. Some cameras can transmit audio and if one is misbehaving, just give a remote call and the camera will give you a command! Your "little pet" will stop amortizing your home instantly!

Air purifier, deodorizer

Xiaomi air purifiers are not only good for our health, but also for the health of the pets living in our household! Clean air is essential for all of us, but sometimes our noses tell us otherwise. Anyone who has a dog or cat at home will know that they have their own "smell". Not to mention their food and always smelly litter. Xiaomi air purifiers filter out these odours with ease! Goodbye unpleasant smells, hello (Xiaomi) clean air!

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