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At the outset, I would like to clarify the name of the watch before a comment tsunami arises from the naming. So, Amazfit products are made by Huami, who are also responsible for the Mi Band series. Not incidentally, just two weeks ago the news broke that Huami has partnered with (or, as we hear more and more often in our country, "entered into a strategy agreement") the McLaren with. Those who follow Formula 1 know who it is.

Stratos or no Stratos

It's almost unbelievable that it's been just over a year since Amazfit's beautiful sports watch, then known in China as the Pace 2, was unveiled. Yes, translation difficulties can sometimes be a very interesting way of getting into the public consciousness. The best example is the Youth Edition of phones, or the Xiaowa vacuum cleaner, which is then launched on the global market as Lite. This is also the case with watches, for example, because the Amazfit Pace 2 Smart Sportwatch is now almost annoyingly long. The version sold in China, with NFC and a Chinese-language rom, is called the Pace 2 and has become available to order, but you also see the Sport Watch designator. My favourite is the Amazfit Pace 2 Stratos sports smartwatch. I imagined when a user would personally ask a salesperson in a store if they carry such a product. XD
So the Global version is available under the name Amazfit Stratos, with the Xiaomi prefix added. The link read about the presentation of the clock here read more.

Well, there is this watch, which to this day has no trace on the international sites, so I can only rely on the Chinese site.
The Amazfit Sport Watch 2s version will be available from 28 January 2019. It's hard to know whether to describe this as Stratos S or Stratos 2. The point is that the 2.5D version with genuine sapphire glass and a premium leather strap is officially available from today. If anyone already has this model, please let me know!
The watch differs from the basic Startos in these two features, so neither the hardware, the battery nor the display technology has changed. For those who want a sports watch with an OLED display, there's the Verge, with a far less beautiful design.

I hope you're not confused, but it's really not easy to follow Chinese logic sometimes.
There is no word yet on whether the English version of this Premium edition will be available, or whether the OS bootloader will be open in the same way as the Global Stratos.

The price is slightly more expensive than the Stratos, at 195 euros, or nearly 62.000 Ft. I wouldn't want to advertise or reflink Chinese webshops, but two of the "G" lettered offerings are already there. It will also be available in domestic shops and webshops in case of CE certification.

 Premium materials come in premium packaging, of course, and can be stored in this elegant box when not in use.

Initial feedback suggests that, so far, demand for Stratos has not diminished despite the availability of Verge. I don't wonder about that, given the poor taste of the design. The OLED panel is nice, but the Stratos is worth every penny.
We hope to test the premium version soon, and to produce the same excellent Hungarian commercials as you can see below.

Amazfit Stratos Multisport Smartwatch Commercial - XiaomiShopHU

Amazfit Stratos Multisport Smartwatch Commercial - XiaomiShopHU

Amazfit Stratos Multisport Smartwatch Commercial - XiaomiShopHU



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