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Xiaomi has unveiled many innovative products over the past 7 years. With this outstanding performance and consistency, the company has positioned itself at the centre of IoT developments. Even today, not everyone understands the essence of IoT, but it is extremely simple. It is a concept whereby a number of smart devices can be connected and controlled from a central hub (Getaway). With this development, we can create a true 21st century smart home in a cost-effective way. But we can also equip a modern office with products from Xiomi's manufacturers. “Az otthonod sosem veszíted szem elől.”

The Xiaomi IoT developer conference a vezérigazgató – Xiaomi CEO announcedthat the Xiaomi IoT platform has more than 800 smart devices from 400 partners. He also said that the company has more than 85 million connected devices, making it the world's largest smart platform in terms of smart hardware.

A konferencia alkalmával a vállalat az IoT eszközök “flottájához” bejelentette a Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Meterwhich costs just 69 yuan (net $11) This Bluetooth hygrometer is a compact, minimalist, cylindrical device with a simple LCD display on the front for real-time monitoring. You can see changes in indoor temperature and humidity, as well as cold and damp environmental conditions. This device has a built-in, high-sensitivity sensor that provides a detection accuracy of exactly 0.1.

The Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Meter can be connected to the Mi Home APP, linked to other smart devices to complement and refine your internal readings and thus your comfort.The first test sample is on its way to a member of our Smart Home community, and he is expected to share his experience with us soon.
In the meantime, let's see what's in the product packaging.


Distribution has already started in some online shops. At the time of writing, the device is available from $18 on aliexpress.

We'll be expanding our article soon, as I'm investing in one next year.


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