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A spectacular video has captured the moment when Elon Musk's satellites are destroyed as they enter the atmosphere. It's said that the camera was in the right place at the right time. 

A very significant proportion of the nearly half a hundred Starlink satellites launched last Thursday in the harsh space weather conditions ruined, and will fall back or has already fallen back to Earth - confirmed Elon Musk's space exploration company, SpaceX. The satellites were about 200 kilometres from Earth when they were caught in a geomagnetic space storm, causing 40 of the 49 satellites launched to fail.

According to Starlink, the destroyed satellites do not pose a threat to other space-based devices, as they are destroyed once they enter the atmosphere, leaving no space debris or space debris behind. This special moment recorded by a camera in Añasco, a town in Puerto Rico.

A camera from the Sociedad de Astronomia del Caribe (SAC) astronomical organisation caught two objects, which appeared about a minute apart and then disappeared when they entered the atmosphere. According to Marco Langbroek, a satellite science expert at Leiden University, more such events are expected in the coming months.

The satellite backscatter was caused by the geomagnetic storm mentioned above, which causes a temporary and large-scale disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field. This disturbance is caused by the solar wind from the Sun, but the full process is not yet known to researchers.

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