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Facebook Protect is a protection service for users who have a large following, such as politicians, journalists or influencers. 

At the beginning of March, a number of users received messages from social media operators asking them to sign up to Facebook Protect. This type of request is sent to operators of large accounts, including those with hundreds of thousands of followers, primarily to prevent hackers from misusing their names.

As it's not uncommon for scammers to try to get you banned from Facebook with emails threatening to ban you, many of you may have ignored Facebook's official notice about the protection programme - from a The Verge. According to the portal, those who have not complied with the social networking site's request, i.e. who have not passed the security clearance by the deadline, have already started to be banned from the site.

During the screening process, the Facebook examines two main privacy issues: whether two-factor authentication is enabled, and whether the password strength is sufficient.

Profiles included in Facebook Protect can only be unblocked if they comply with the settings of the protection feature. A The Verge However, this does not always go smoothly, as some users are restricted by Facebook even though they have complied with the request.

Facebook started testing the program in the United States in 2019, but it is now available in several countries, including Hungary.

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