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The fate of electric scooters in Hungary has been rather unfortunate so far, they were not classified anywhere according to the Highway Code. So you could only receive a recommendationhow to use it. But now it has finally been decided and classified as a bicycle. Mostly.

[UPDATE 2023.06.27]

Since the writing of this article, no amendment to the Highway Code has been proposed for electric scooters. It is still only a proposal, so to date electric scooters are not defined vehicles.

Megkérdeztük a miniszterelnökséget, hogy mikor fogadják el az elektromos rollerekkel kapcsolatos KRESZ- módosításokat. Válaszukban azt írják, “a jogszabály-módosítási javaslatokat korábban több alkalommal is széles körű szakmai egyeztetésre bocsátották, például megkérdezték az autós szakmai szervezeteket is, ám a módosítás végső tartalma még kialakítás alatt van.”

In an interview with Magyar Nemzet, Máriusz Révész, the active State Secretary for Hungary, said - We have formulated our amendment proposal, we are ready. The amended Highway Code rules were planned for the beginning of the year, but due to some governmental restructuring, it was transferred to the Ministry of Construction and Transport. The decision is now in the hands of János Lázár.

The proposal of the Minister of State for Active Hungary, Máriusz Révész, has already been forwarded to the Ministry of Transport, headed by János Lázár, in the last few days. According to the amendment to the Highway Code on electric scooters, scooters with a top speed of 25 kilometres per hour would be classified as bicycles, and scooters faster than that would be considered mopeds.

Electric scooters and electric bicycles with a top speed of up to twenty-five kilometres per hour will be subject to the same rules as bicycles. This is currently the case everywhere in Europe, and we are following it" - Máriusz Révész

If all electric scooters were to be reclassified as mopeds, scooter-sharing companies could pull the plug. Helmets are compulsory for mopeds, but none of the scooter riders wears such protective equipment. So scooters with a factory cut-off at 25 km/h are subject to the same rules as bicycles in the EU" - explained the State Secretary

What to look out for when using a Xiaomi scooter

  • You must be in a fit state to drive a vehicle (i.e. you must not be drunk and scooting).
  • You must know the rules of the Highway Code!
  • It is prohibited to attach a sidecar or other towing equipment to the electric scooter.
  • It is forbidden to drive an animal while standing on an electric scooter.
  • It is prohibited to tow the electric scooter with another vehicle.
  • It is forbidden to ride a scooter with the rim off.
  • Only luggage that does not interfere with steering may be carried on an electric scooter.
  • It is prohibited to ride scooters on motorways and roads, and where there are signs prohibiting cycling.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not allowed on main roads.

Where can I ride a scooter?

If there is a cycle path next to the road, you may only ride a scooter on it, unless there is a cyclist's sign (pictogram) on the road, in which case you may ride a scooter on the road. The speed limit on cycle paths is 25 km/h. You may not have the right of way at cycle path crossings! Even if you have the right of way, make sure you have it first and then drive onto the road! If there is a painted cycle lane on the road, you should only ride your scooter in this lane. The cycle lane is for one-way traffic. It is not only irregular, but also dangerous and impolite to go against traffic!

Where is it forbidden to ride a scooter?

It is forbidden to ride scooters on motorways and on roads marked "motorway" and where there are signs prohibiting it. If bicycles are not specifically authorised, scooting is prohibited in the bus lane. If no other sign permits it, scooting is prohibited on footpaths. If no other sign permits it, scooting is prohibited in pedestrian zones. No scooting on the sidewalk! Exceptions to this rule are children under 12 years old, as they are not yet allowed to ride a bicycle on the main road, so they may ride on the parallel pavement at a maximum speed of 10 km/h. In built-up areas, you may only ride on the pavement (at a maximum speed of 10 km/h) if the road surface is unsuitable for cycling (e.g. dirt road). On bridges and overpasses, where there is heavy traffic and narrow lanes, it is safer and more sensible to use the pavement despite the ban. Slow down so as not to disturb pedestrians!


Knowing the Highway Code is highly recommended for all vehicles, especially scooters. If you want to stay alive, it is absolutely mandatory to obey it, because you are no match for a car and they usually obey. In addition, there are pedestrians, who you put at risk if you do not obey, so you are responsible not only for your own life and limb but also for the lives and limbs of other road users. Think about this before you hit the accelerator!!!

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